DOs & DON'Ts in Special Cases


DOs & DON'Ts  in Special Cases

@    Dos:

1. Any elector arriving at polling station to cast his vote who is either blind or physicallyinfirmorcannotseesymbolbuttononBU,willbeallowedtovotewith the help of companion. Provide Braille ballot paper to blind/visually impaired voters, if he/she desires.

2. Before a person is allowed to act as companion, he/she must give a declaration in prescribed format and indelible ink will be applied on the middle finger of Right Hand. If right hand has already been marked with indelible ink, he shall not be permitted to act as a companion.

3. Ifnameofelectorcomingforvoting,isfoundinASDList,bythePOidentifyingthe electors, he/she will be requested go to PRO, who will complete his identification.

4. If an elector is carrying unofficial identity slip containing name of Contesting Candidate and/party and/Symbol, then instruct concerned  polling agent to end such violation.

5. Incaseofilliteratevoter,the1stPollingOfficershouldreadoutserialnumberof elector and ask elector to tell him/ her name to ascertain genuineness.

6. Iftheelectorisnotabletoestablishhisidentityandfoundimpersonatinginplace of another elector, the person should behanded over to the police with letter of complaint to S.H.O. in prescribed format of PRO Handbook.

7. 7.IfduringtheidentificationandmarkingofelectorsinmarkedcopyofElectoral Rolls, it comes to the notice that Vote of elector has already been cast, such elector, if found genuine, will be allowed  to cast his/her voter through Tendered Ballot Paper, not through the vote in EVM.

 @    DON'Ts

1. Do not force any elector to vote if he decides not to vote.

2. Do not allow any polling official to cast his vote in the PS unless they have been issued an EDC or PB as case may be.

3. No person shall be permitted to act as a companion of more than one elector at any polling station on the same day.

4. If right hand middle finger of authorized companion is already marked with indelible ink, such person not to be allowed to act as authorized companion for the concerned elector.

5. Cases where an authorized companion merely led up to  the voting compartment (but did not enter), shall not be included in Form 14A.

6. Nopollingstaffshouldactasacompaniontoablindelectortocastvoteonhis behalf.

7. Noauthorizedcompanionshouldbeallowedtostayinsidetheboothafterthe elector has voted.

8. For “Challenged votes”-Do not entertain a challenge to an elector’s identity, unless the concerned polling agent depositsRs.2/- in cash.

9. Do not press or compel an elector to vote if he decides not to vote after his particulars have been noted in the Register of Voters. Make an entry to that effect in the 'Remarks' column against the entry relating to that elector in the Register of voters.

10. If you consider an elector to be much below the voting age, i.e., 18 years but are other wise satisfied about his identity, obtain a declaration from him about his age. Do not question his eligibility.

11. Do not change any serial number in column1of the Register of voters, because of any elector who decides not to vote.

12. DonotallowelectorwhohascometoPSaftersomeoneelsehasalreadyvotedin his name to vote by voting machine but use tendered ballot paper.

13. Do not allow an elector to vote if he refuses to follow the prescribed voting procedure to maintain secrecy of voting after being warned by you.